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Deriving the OLS Estimator
Using matrix notation, let n denote the number of observations and k denote the number of regressors.
The vector of outcome variables Y is a n×1 matrix,
The matrix of regressors X is a n×k matrix (or each row is a k×1 vector),
At times it might be easier to use vector notation. For consistency, I will use the bold small x to denote a vector and capital letters to denote a matrix. Single observations are denoted by the subscript.
Least Squares
Linearity (given above)
E(U∣X)=0 (conditional independence)
rank(X) = k (no multi-collinearity i.e. full rank)
Var(U∣X)=σ2In (Homoskedascity)
Find β that minimises the sum of squared errors:
Hints: Q is a 1×1 scalar, by symmetry ∂b∂b′Ab=2Ab.