Advanced code blocks with highlighting, file names and more.
The code blocks on the documentation site and the blog are powered by rehype-pretty-code. The syntax highlighting is done using shiki.
It has the following features:
Thanks to Shiki, highlighting is done at build time. No JavaScript is sent to the client for runtime highlighting.
tsimport { build } from 'velite' /** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */ const nextConfig = { pageExtensions: ['js', 'jsx', 'mdx', 'ts', 'tsx'], webpack: (config) => { config.plugins.push(new VeliteWebpackPlugin()) return config }, } class VeliteWebpackPlugin { static started = false constructor(/** @type {import('velite').Options} */ options = {}) { this.options = options } apply(/** @type {import('webpack').Compiler} */ compiler) { compiler.hooks.beforeCompile.tap('VeliteWebpackPlugin', async () => { if (VeliteWebpackPlugin.started) return VeliteWebpackPlugin.started = true const dev = compiler.options.mode === 'development' = ?? dev this.options.clean = this.options.clean ?? !dev await build(this.options) }) } } export default nextConfig
import { build } from 'velite' /** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */ const nextConfig = { pageExtensions: ['js', 'jsx', 'mdx', 'ts', 'tsx'], webpack: (config) => { config.plugins.push(new VeliteWebpackPlugin()) return config }, } class VeliteWebpackPlugin { static started = false constructor(/** @type {import('velite').Options} */ options = {}) { this.options = options } apply(/** @type {import('webpack').Compiler} */ compiler) { compiler.hooks.beforeCompile.tap('VeliteWebpackPlugin', async () => { if (VeliteWebpackPlugin.started) return VeliteWebpackPlugin.started = true const dev = compiler.options.mode === 'development' = ?? dev this.options.clean = this.options.clean ?? !dev await build(this.options) }) } } export default nextConfig
mdx```ts title="path/to/file.ts" // Code here ```
```ts title="path/to/file.ts" // Code here ```
ts// Highlight line 1 and line 3 to 6 /** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */ const nextConfig = { reactStrictMode: true, images: { domains: [""], }, experimental: { appDir: true, serverComponentsExternalPackages: ["@prisma/client"], }, }
// Highlight line 1 and line 3 to 6 /** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */ const nextConfig = { reactStrictMode: true, images: { domains: [""], }, experimental: { appDir: true, serverComponentsExternalPackages: ["@prisma/client"], }, }
ts// Highlight the word NextJS.
// Highlight the word NextJS.
ts// This will show line numbers.
// This will show line numbers.