Learn how to define the global configuration of a NextKit application with Next.js and Supabase
We store the global configuration of a NextKit application in /configuration.ts.
Within any application file, we can use the path ~/configuration to import it from any other file.
You do not need any changes to start developing your application. Feel free to complete the configuration once you want to deploy the app for the first time.
The configuration has the following structure:
These values are used throughout the application instead of being hardcoded into the codebase. You can assign public environment variables to these values to make them available in your application.
Environment Variables
NextKit provides templates for configuring your environment variables correctly and the minimum environment variables to run your local environment.
To push your project to production, you must fill these variables by creating your Supabase project and adding the required values.
Development Environment Variables
The development environment variables set your application up for the Supabase environment:
Use your CI/CD to set environment variables for your production environment
Some of the variables above are secret. We show them here and in the .env files for clarity, but you should never commit them to your repository.
You must add these from your CI/CD environment. For example, if you use Vercel, you can add them in the project settings.
If you wish, you can safely add public or non-secret variables to your .env.production file for your production environment, such as your production site URL. This is fine.