
Running the Application

Learn how to run a Next.js and Supabase NextKit application

After installing the modules, we can finally run the application in development mode.

We need to execute two commands (and an optional one for Stripe):

  1. Next.js Server: the first command is for running the Next.js server
  2. Supabase Environment: the second command is for running the Supabase environment with Docker
  3. Stripe CLI: finally, the Stripe CLI is needed to dispatch webhooks to our local server (optional, only needed when interacting with Stripe)

About this Documentation

This documentation complements the Supabase one and is not meant to be a replacement. We recommend reading the Supabase documentation to get a better understanding of the Supabase concepts and how to use it.

Install and Run Docker

Before we can run the Supabase local environment, we need to run Docker, as Supabase uses it for running its local environment.

You can use Docker Desktop, Colima, OrbStack, or any other Docker-compatible solution.

Running the Supabase Environment

First, let's run the Supabase environment, which will spin up a local instance using Docker. We can do this by running the following command:

bashnpm run supabase:start

Additionally, it imports the default seed data. We use it this data to populate the database with some initial data and execute the E2E tests.

After running the command above, you will be able to access the Supabase Studio UI at http://localhost:54323/.

Adding the Supabase Keys to the Environment Variables

If this is the first time you run this command, we will need to get the Supabase keys and add them to our local environment variables configuration file .env.development.

When running the command, we will see a message like this:

bash> supabase start
Applying migration 20221215192558_schema.sql...
Seeding data supabase/seed.sql...
Started supabase local development setup.
        API URL: http://localhost:54321
          DB URL: postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:54322/postgres
      Studio URL: http://localhost:54323
    Inbucket URL: http://localhost:54324
      JWT secret: super-secret-jwt-token-with-at-least-32-characters-long
        anon key: ****************************************************
service_role key: ****************************************************

Now, we need to copy the anon key and service_role key values and add them to the .env file:


Running the Next.js Server

And now, the Next.js server:

bashnpm run dev

If everything goes well, your server should be running at http://localhost:3000.

Running the Stripe CLI

Run the Stripe CLI with the following command:

bashnpm run stripe:listen

Add the Stripe Webhooks Key to your environment file

If this is the first time you run this command, you will need to copy the Webhooks key printed on the console and add it to your development environment variables file:


Signing In for the first time

You should now be able to sign in.

To quickly get started, use the following credentials:

bashemail =
password = testingpassword

Email Confirmations

When signing up, Supabase sends an email confirmation to a testing account using InBucket.

You can access the InBucket testing emails using the following link, and can follow the links to complete the sign up process.