
CI Tests

Learn how to test your NextKit in your CI

To run your tests in any CI, we recommend you simply run the following command:

bashnpm test:e2e

This command takes care of running all the required services, importing the test data, executing the tests and then exiting.

The NextKit testing pipeline

As mentioned in the previous section, testing a NextKit requires a few services to be up and running:

  • the Next.js server
  • the Supabase environment

While executing these tests in your CI, this can get cumbersome. Therefore, we provided a single script to execute all your tests in one simple command: you can find the script at scripts/, which will contain the following content:

bashset -e
npm run supabase:start -- -x studio,migra,deno-relay,pgadmin-schema-diff,imgproxy &
docker run --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway --rm -it --name=stripe -d stripe/stripe-cli:latest listen --forward-to http://host.docker.internal:3000/api/stripe/webhook --skip-verify --api-key "$STRIPE_SECRET_KEY" --log-level debug
npm run dev:test &
npm run cypress:headless
npm run supabase:stop -- --no-backup
exit 0

Let's explain it, so you can add your own modifications to it.

Running the Tests in CI mode

If you were to run the tests in CI mode, you would need to run the following command:

bashnpm run supabase:start
npm run dev:test &
npm run cypress

Then, you would need to stop the Supabase environment:

bashnpm run supabase:stop

Since the DB gets updated, reset it to the initial state:

bashnpm run supabase:reset